The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead

~by Max Brooks

Although found in the humor section at the bookstore, this book will probably not leave you rolling in the aisle with laughter. It may in fact just save your life.

Subtitled Complete Protection from the Living Dead many of the techniques covered in The Zombie Survival Guide could just as easily be applied to surviving living opponents as well. Brooks covers quite a bit of ground in this book, from the myths and realities of zombies to the historical accounts of zombie attacks. In between he addresses (in depth) weaponry and combat techniques, defense, movement, offense, and basic survival strategies.

He emphasizes self-reliance--who can you really depend on except yourself?--and constant awareness of surroundings and events. The book is laid out very clearly and in great detail so that there is no confusion when your life is on the line (although, there are a few potential discrepancies). It is perhaps not the most readable book; it is easy to understand, but the text is not the most engaging. The illustrations sprinkled throughout, while useful, are not particularly detailed and seemed more supplementary than integral. But certainly, these minor quibbles can be ignored in the face of a massive undead attack--an inevitable attack that this book prepares you for.