Patience and Sarah

~by Isabel Miller
1971 ALA Stonewall Book Award Winner

Patience and Sarah was originally self-published in 1969 as A Place for Us. Considered a classic of lesbian literature, the story is a charming romantic tale of genuine love between to women living in New England during the 1800s.

Patience White is a strong-willed, but proper woman, except for the fact that she never plans on marrying. When her father died, he left her an inheritance that allows her to live mostly how she chooses, although in close proximity to her brother and his family.

Sarah Dowling was raised by her father as the boy of the Dowling family. She is strong, wears men's clothing, and does heavy work. Most people in the community are appalled by these circumstances.

The two women meet, but their love is not approved of by their families or the community as a whole. Through several struggles, both with themselves and with others, they come to terms with their relationship and find themselves a place to call their own. A fairly quick read, their story was enjoyable and heart-warming.

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