Dragon's Blood

~by Jane Yolen
1982 Parent's Choice Award Winner
1983 ALA Best Books for Young Adults

After Jakkin's father dies in the desert trying to train a feral dragon, his mother has no choice but to sell herself and her young son into bondage. Not long afterward, Jakkin's mother dies, and he is left alone with a debt that is nearly impossible to fulfill. His only chance is to steal a dragon's egg from the breeding farm where he works and train the hatchling to fight in the pits. Jakkin believes he has everything planned out perfectly, but then things become much more complicated than he could have imagined.

I've read this book several times before, and I think I still enjoy as much as I did the first time. It's a wonderful story, and a quick read. But never to fear-- it is the first book in a trilogy, followed by Heart's Blood and A Sending of Dragons.

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